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Boston Whaler 13' Sport Mahogany full wood interior finished with the minimum 5 coats of Captains ZSpar varnish. All parts are made to original specifications with beautiful genuine mahogany. Includes all stainless fasteners.
Care and Maintenance Instructions
Optional bow hatch bungee
NOTE: If you have a vintage 13,' and plan to use the old pulley steering system or tiller steering - please choose above, vintage (no hole) so you can drill the two pulley holes at your desired location. If you are using the standard cable steering or hydraulic steering choose (with hole).
NOTE: If you have a pre-1976 hull you will notice when installing that the leg of the console will sit on top of the downward slope in the hull creating a very small gap between part of the leg and the deck. This is normal and will not cause any functionality issues. The leg can be filed to match this slope but it is unnecessary to do so. Caulking or 5200 could also be added as a finishing.