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Product Warranty and Claims
Specialty Marine Limited Warranty
Your warranty is activated 5 business days after your product is shipped, not from the date you begin using your products. It is therefore imperative to file any warranty claims as soon as an issue arises , keep defective products for Specialty Marine's review, and provide adequate requested information/images. Waiting to file a claim can put you at risk of falling outside of your warranty window and the claim being denied. There is no pre-dating of warranties, ie: the warranty submission date will be used as the date of discovery.
Failure to abide by the Care and Maintenance Instructions will void warranty.
If purchasing for resale, it is your responsibility to inform your customers of the are and maintenance required for these products.
Extended warranty windows for the vinyl supplier issue are as follows:
Manufacturing date of cushion prior to 4/19: warranty extended through September 1, 2022
1. Two-Year Limited Warranty on Stainless Fittings, Railings, Hardware, and Lighting: Specialty Marine will repair or replace, at its sole discretion, any stainless products supplied by Specialty Marine that are defective in factory materials and/or workmanship, which are reported within two years from the date of sale to the original purchaser.
2. Two-Year Limited Warranty on Mahogany and Teak Interior Wood Kits: Specialty Marine will repair or replace, at its sole discretion, any solid mahogany or teak wood products supplied by Specialty Marine that are defective in factory materials and/or workmanship, which are reported within two years from the date of sale to the original purchaser.
3. One-Year Limited Warranty on Upholstered Items and Canvas: Specialty Marine will repair or replace, at its sole discretion, any upholstered items or canvas supplied by Specialty Marine that are defective in factory materials and/or workmanship, which are reported within one year from the date of sale to the original purchaser.
Note: the appearance of "pink stain" on vinyl is a product of the marine environment and warranty claims cannot be filed for this issue. The Care and Maintenance Instructions provided in each listing as well as on the blue care card sent with each orders details the use of Mircroban 24 to prevent the bacteria from growing on your cushions. If you have pink stains please click here for "Pink Away."
4. Transportation: For warranty claims filed and approved under the following provisions 1) Two Year Limited Warranty on Stainless Fittings, Railings, Hardware, and Lighting, 2) Two Year Limited Warranty on Mahogany and Teak Interior Wood kits, 3) One Year Limited Warranty on Upholstered Items and Canvas. Reasonable expenses, at Specialty Marine’s sole discretion, for hauling out, transportation to and from the warehouse or other service providers authorized by Specialty Marine for warranty service. Specialty Marine will use standardized ground shipping equal to the original shipping method cost. Any expedited or international shipping requests will be at the expense of the customer.
This limited warranty does not apply to any products on boats which were salvaged or declared a total loss for any reason not covered in this limited warranty. This warranty does not apply to the following items:
(1) Except where offered above, expenses for hauling out, transportation to and from the dealer or Specialty Marine warehouse for warranty service.
(2) Damage caused by equipment installed by customer, customer service provider, or marina.
(3) Damage, deterioration, discoloration or mold of cushions and canvas due to improper care stated in the “Care and Maintenance Instructions” listed within product listings, provided care card, and/or on Specialty Marine’s website.
(4) Loss of products through negligence or theft
(5) Any failure or defect caused by an act of nature resulting in damage including but not limited to hurricanes, floods, tornado, severe rain storms, animals etc.
To initiate a warranty claim, it is the responsibility of the original purchaser to contact Specialty Marine immediately after discovery of any defect. In the form below please describe the nature of the problem, provide photographs of damage or defects to, approximate date of purchase, any care or maintenance products or procedures performed, and any supporting documentation for your claim. Documentation must be filled in full prior to the expiration of said warranty. Specialty Marine is then solely responsible for determining and authorizing the remedial action(s) to be performed, whether for replacement or repair, at either Specialty Marine’s warehouse or a service provider approved by Specialty Marine.
We apologize if you are experiencing any issues with your product's from Specialty Marine and we look forward to assisting you with your claim. Please fill out the form below. Describe the nature of the problem, date of purchase, any care or maintenance products or procedures performed, and any supporting documentation for your claim. Lastly, provide at least one photograph of damage or defect to