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Boston Whaler reversible pilot seat cushion. This cushion is made from UV resistant marine grade vinyl, 3" Ultra High density foam, 3/4 inch treated plywood and stainless hardware. This cushion fastens to your new or existing "Z" legs with 8 stainless steel screws.
Care and Maintenance Instructions
Note: This cushion is NOT offered in BRIGHT WHITE which was found on some 1990's models
Note: Holes are not pre-drilled
Note: There are two sizes for this seat. The regular is found on most hulls prior to the 1990's while the larger seat (click here) is found primarily on 1990-1999 classic 17' hulls.
Note: (For installation onto Z-legs) in addition to the wood screws provided, it is recommended to use 5200 Marine Adhesive to attach the cushion to the Z-legs. This is highly recommended for the 18" Z-legs which flex more than the 15" legs. To do this, cut a small patch of mesh off around each screw location and apply adhesive so the wood is adhered directly to the legs.
Dimensions: 38" x 19" x 3"
Installation Instructions